Here’s a New Way To Think About Lower Back Rehab

Do exactly what you think you shouldn’t do! Let me explain.

David Liira, Kin.
7 min readJun 21, 2024
Image from Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

If you’re not stepping outside your comfort zone, you’re not approaching lower back rehab with the right mindset. We get so nervous and sensitive around this area when pain strikes that we forget the basic principles that can help us feel better like movement and stress relief. As a kinesiologist, I’ve worked with back pain patients more than any other injury. While every case and cause is different, virtually everyone gets slowed down by their fears and hesitations.

The lower back may seem vulnerable, but it’s unbelievably strong, resilient, and adaptable if you give it the right stimulus and trust in your body. While I don’t want to get too deep into why our fear of lower back pain is this severe, a lot of it stems from narratives spread by misinformed chiropractors and other health professionals.

The sad reality is you can make a whole lot of money as a health provider by scaring patients and convincing them that they’re broken.

A lot of misinformed providers like to focus on what is wrong and jump to prescriptive conclusions rather than listening to the patient and thinking about the bigger…



David Liira, Kin.

Kinesiologist. Writing on health and the human condition. Clap and I clap back.