Get the Knots out of Your Shoulder Blades With These 3 Easy Solutions

Experience what life is like without shoulder pain!

David Liira, Kin.
5 min readJul 20, 2024
Image from Kampus Production

Knots and muscle pain around the shoulder area most commonly arise due to issues at the costovertebral and/or costotransverse joints of the spine. These little articulation sites around the ribs and spine can only be healthily maintained through appropriate, consistent movement and healthy posture patterns. If we refuse to mobilize these areas, tissues around the rhomboid muscles (right between the shoulder blades) will get aggravated, leading to that knotty sensation we often feel.

To solve this problem, I want to introduce three simple, yet effective mobility exercises to move your spine like it was designed to move. Just follow this guide 3–4 times per week and you’ll get back in shape in no time. For most of my clients, the pain relief should feel virtually instant if you’re careful with the cues and do every movement below. Let’s dive right in!

Turning to Movement To Fix Your Knots for Good

Whenever we try new movements, it’s important to assess whether we’re ready for them. If you have any history of injury to the shoulder joint or surrounding tissues, please check in with your health provider before following the health advice…



David Liira, Kin.

Kinesiologist. Writing on health and the human condition. Clap and I clap back.